
Into the Unknown


Feminist-India? #LetsHope


Happy international women day to everyone who ever came to this blog and reading this 😛. Few of you are the victims whom I asked to read this 🙈. So after lot of research (that’s what I call my observations within tiny group of ladies whom I have ever interacted on this topic) I figured that India was always feminist country before even this word was invented. But somehow in this journey from being slaved by other countries and cultures Indian men got LITTLE insecure about their beautiful and hot wives and kids and changed the ways we used to operate.
I think it’s not about equal rights anymore girls are tired of listening to stereotypes and categories created for us over these years. Thanks to #metoo Men finally have sense of the fear we were holding since decades.
We don’t want to our kids to live in society that defines Do and Don’t for both genders. It’s Just the physical machinery which is different. So first let’s work in the direction to treat everyone as human being first and once we have reached there we can enjoy discussing who deserves what.
Till then i think girls should enjoy the era where so called progressive Indian men are really trying hard to understand our problems. Be it Dad, boyfriend or Husband i would count that as progress 🙂
So situation is not very hunky dory but yeah ladies we have come long way. Its time to celebrate success, effort and journey of every women who taught their daughters to dream big, asked their boys to learn to how to cook and most important who trained their guys to be sensitive so that he respects 🙂

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